Cash-n-ator® Promotional Play Money


Cash-n-ator® Money Booth Play Money comes in packs with Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000) in faux / fake play money in denominations that includes 400 ones, 100 fives, 100 tens, 100 twenties, 50 fifties and 50 one hundreds. Additional packs are available with groups of 100 each, $5.00. (50’s and 100’s available in packs of 50.)


Add-ons total:



Cash-n-ator® Money Booth PromoQuip Cash comes in sets with Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000) in faux / fake play money in denominations that includes 400 ones, 100 fives, 100 tens, 100 twenties, 50 fifties and 50 one hundreds.

Approximately the size and weight of real money, PromoQuip Cash helps you control your money blowing booth presentation and keep it secure. You don’t need to carry real cash or use it in the money booth. Use PromoQuip Cash and deliver the actual reward at the end.

Additional Features:

Manufacturer: PromoQuip, Inc.
green, black
Item depth: 
6″ x 2″
2 lbs. per set of $11,000.00
20 weight paper.

Call PromoQuip to speak with a promotional equipment expert at 616-890-2515.


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